The President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel has highlighted the importance of social justice to inclusive economic development and prosperity.
Speaking at the inaugural session of the Global Alliance for Social Justice at the High-Level Segment of the 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, President of Nepal Ram Chandra Poudel yesterday has said that adequate funds and necessary technology should be provided to climate vulnerable countries.
The International Labour Conference is the ILO’s highest decision-making body. It meets annually in June, bringing together the tripartite delegations from the Organization’s 187 member States.
The first annual International Labour Conference (ILC) began on 29 October 1919 at the Pan American Union Building in Washington, D.C. and adopted the first six International Labour Conventions, which dealt with hours of work in industry, unemployment, maternity protection, night work for women, minimum age, and night
“Climate justice must be ensured immediately by providing adequate funding and necessary technology to climate vulnerable countries in the context of the negative impacts of climate change,” Poudel, who is a keynote speaker, said.
“As Climate change is severely impacting clean water, crops, biodiversity and health, pushing millions of people into poverty and inequality, climate justice must be established at the global level when we talk about social justice. In recent years, Nepal’s Himalayas have started losing their snow and turning into black mountains. The glaciers are melting at an unprecedented scale and speed that has displaced many families and loss of livelihoods, stressed the Nepalese president Poudel.
Gilbert F. Houngbo was elected as the ILO’s 11th Director-General by the organization’s Governing Body in March 2022, for a five-year term. He took office in October 2022.
Geneva based headquarter of ILO is working to promote employment, creating new jobs, rights at work, enhancing social protection and dialogue
Besides, the Presidents of Nepal, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, also addressed at the Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice on Thursday, June 13, during the International Labour Conference (ILC).
As per the statement released by the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations, Geneva Nepal was unanimously elected as the Deputy Member of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) during the ongoing 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva on 7 June 2024 for a three-year term until June 2027.
Nepal is set to assume the new responsibility on 15 June 2024 from the 351st Session of the Governing Body meeting.
Nepal’s election to the ILO Governing Body can be taken as the international labour community’s acknowledgment of Nepal’s commitment to the fundamental principles and objectives of the ILO and constructive engagement in shaping policies and setting standards for making the world of work just, decent and equitable.
This is the second time that Nepal got a seat in the Governing Body ever since joining the International Labour Organization in 1966, it added.